Global Capital Markets Advisors
Manager of Funds Generating Attractive Risk Adjusted Returns from a Diversified Portfolio
GCMA believes there are a number of investment considerations that make investments in its managed Funds an attractive investment option for qualified investors. This is especially true for those foreign investors interested in participating in the USCIS EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program. A selection of these includes:
Positive Real Estate Fundamentals.
GCMA believes institutional quality real estate investments offer compelling benefits within the premier markets of the United States, and in particularly within the Capitol Area Regional Center of the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Such opportunities are rarely available to individual investors and make the asset class an attractive component in a diversified investment portfolio. Participation in professionally developed and managed real estate through investment in a GCMA managed fund represents an excellent opportunity for qualified investors seeking attractive current returns, low volatility and correlation with equity markets, and the opportunity for long-term capital appreciation.
A fund structure can provide investors with diversification of risk, mitigating the impact of and dependency upon the success of a single project to achieve an investor’s goals for return on as well as return of his capital investment.
Industry Relationships and Deal Flow.
GCMA's Principals have developed broad industry relationships in the real estate and financial communities over the course of their careers. As a result of these relationships and the expertise and reputation of the Principals within the real estate, finance and governmental communities, GCMA has access to investment opportunities on behalf of its managed Funds typically restricted to large institutional investors.
Specialty Focused Funds.
All of GCMA managed Funds focus on its Core Investment Objectives while being specialized with regard to our Investor’s goals.
A CARc JOB Fund provides unique investment benefits through its diversification capabilities, high quality assets, institutional co-investors and the strength of the Washington, DC market all while providing the eligible investment to qualify a foreign investor, and his immediate family, to be considered for a permanent US EB-5 visa (“Green Card”).
Future real estate opportunity funds are expected to offer the same benefits, quality of assets, institutional co-investors and prime real estate market of Washington, DC as well as throughout the United States. Although investment in such a fund may not be structured to enable a foreign investor to qualify for the US Green Card, it will offer exceptional prospects to diversify an investment portfolio and to take advantage of strategic investment opportunities in the United States real estate market.